What Is A Lift Chair?

What Is A Lift Chair?

If you've never heard of a lift chair before, don't worry - you're not alone. But chances are you've seen one without even realizing it. Lift chairs look just like a regular reclining chair, but they come with some helpful features that make them a valuable investment for anyone with mobility issues.

In this article, we're going to break down what exactly a lift chair is, what it's used for, and who can benefit from using one. Even if you've never considered purchasing a lift chair before, this article will give you all the information you need to make an informed decision about whether or not one is right for you or a loved one. So, keep reading to learn everything you need to know about lift chairs.

What is a Lift Chair?

At its simplest, a lift chair is a type of reclining chair equipped with a lifting mechanism to help individuals with mobility issues stand up from a seated position. Often called power lift chairs or medical lift chairs, they provide a safe and easy way for seniors or anyone with mobility concerns to independently get in and out of their chair.

Lift chairs were first developed in the 1980s and have since evolved into a variety of models with different features and functions. They're designed to look and feel like traditional recliners, but offer additional support and assistance thanks to the lifting feature.

Essentially, a lift chair is a chair that can be electrically or hydraulically adjusted to lift or lower its occupant from the seated position. The lifting function is controlled by a remote or a botton, which allows the user to adjust the chair to their desired position with ease.

Lift chairs are incredibly helpful and necessary for individuals with limited mobility. They provide a range of benefits and features that improve quality of life and enhance independence. Whether for temporary or long-term use, a lift chair is a valuable investment for anyone who needs extra assistance with getting up and down from their chair.

soulout light brown lift chair

Soulout Light Brown Lift Chair

What are the Types of Lift Chairs

There are several types of lift chairs on the market today, each with its own unique set of features and functions. Here are the most common types of lift chairs:

  • 2-Position Lift Chairs - As the name suggests, these chairs have two positions - upright and slightly reclined. They are ideal for those who need basic assistance in getting up from a seated position and are budget-friendly.

  • 3-Position Lift Chairs - These chairs offer more versatility than 2-position chairs and allow the user to recline further back for added comfort. They have three positions - upright, slightly reclined, and fully reclined.

  • Infinite-Position Lift Chairs - These chairs are the most versatile type of lift chairs, with an infinite number of reclining positions that allow the user to find the perfect angle for their needs. They can recline to a nearly flat position, making them ideal for sleeping.

  • Zero-Gravity Lift Chairs - These chairs recline back to a zero-gravity position that evenly distributes weight throughout the body, reducing pressure on the joints and allowing for optimum relaxation. They can also help improve circulation and reduce swelling.

Overall, each type of lift chair has its own unique set of features and benefits. When choosing a lift chair, it's important to consider your specific needs and preferences to find the one that's right for you.

How Lift Chairs Work?

A lift chair is a power recliner that uses lift assist technology through a scissor mechanism to raise the chair base and allow the footrest and backrest to lift and tilt. The chair is controlled via a remote or side button for ease of use. When you want to stand up, the lifting mechanism gradually raises the chair, allowing you to easily transition from a seated to a standing position. Similarly, when you want to sit down, the mechanism gradually lowers you into a seated position.

Tips: How To Disassemble A Lift Chair

Who Benefits from Lift Chairs

A lift chair would benefit individuals with mobility issues, such as seniors, people with disabilities, or those recovering from surgery or injury, who may experience difficulty sitting or standing up from their chair without assistance. Lift chairs provide the necessary support and assistance to make it easier for these individuals to get in and out of their chair safely, minimizing the risk of falls and promoting independence. Additionally, those with chronic pain conditions that make sitting and standing difficult could benefit from a lift chair, reducing discomfort and pressure on joints. No matter what your age or physical ability, lift chairs provide a way to maintain your independence while staying safe.

lift chair help the seniors stand up easily

Help the seniors stand up easily

How to Choose the Best Lift Chair for You

Choosing the best lift chair for you involves considering a variety of factors. Here are some tips to help you pick the right one:

Size and Load Capacity: Choose a lift chair that fits your body size and structure and has a load capacity that accommodates your weight.

Functionality: Determine the type of lift chair based on your specific needs such as 2-position, 3-position, infinite-position, and zero-gravity chairs.

Features: Consider additional features such as heat therapy, massage, USB ports, and storage pockets for added convenience and comfort.

Style: Lift chairs come in different styles and designs, so it's essential to select a chair that matches your home decor and personal taste.

Material: Choose the right fabric material that is comfortable, durable, and easy to maintain. Popular options include leather, microfiber, and fabric.

Budget: Make sure the lift chair you choose fits your budget while still providing the features and functions you require.

By considering these six factors, you can select the best lift chair that meets your needs, enhances your comfort, and promotes independence.


In conclusion, lift chairs offer numerous benefits for individuals with mobility issues, including greater independence, ease of use, and increased comfort. Whether you're a senior, someone with a disability, recovering from an injury, or experiencing chronic pain, a lift chair can make a significant difference in your quality of life.

It's important to find the right lift chair for your specific needs, taking into account factors such as size, style, and features. By doing so, you can enjoy the full range of benefits that lift chairs provide and maintain your independence with ease.

Investing in a lift chair is an investment in your independence and well-being, and we encourage you to explore the many options available to find the one that is right for you.


Will using a lift chair cause a loss of personal physical ability?

Using a lift chair may cause a loss of personal physical ability if you rely on it too much and stop using your own leg muscles to get up and sit down. This can lead to muscle weakness and reduced mobility over time.

However, using a lift chair reasonably can exercise one’s leg muscles and also make individuals maintain independence. What needs to be done is to use the lift function as little as possible.

Is it easy to clean a lift chair when it gets dirty?

The ease of cleaning a lift chair when it gets dirty largely depends on the material of the chair. Lift chairs made of leather may be easier to clean compared to chairs made of fabric upholstery. Fabric can absorb spills and stains, making it more difficult to clean

How long will a lift chair last before it needs to be replaced?

The lifespan of a lift chair can vary depending on the quality of the chair and how frequently it is used. On average, a well-maintained lift chair can last anywhere from 3 to 10 years. Factors that can affect the lifespan of the chair include the weight capacity, frequency of use, and maintenance.

Therefore, buying from a merchant that offers a longer warranty would be the best choice. 

Tips: Soulout All Lift Chairs provides a free 5-year warranty!

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