Shipping Policy
We offer free FedEx shipping on orders within the United States. We do not offer shipping to Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico or pobox. We also do not offer shipping to any other country except the U.S..
Free Taxes
We offer tax-free services. Taxes and fees will be covered at Soulout.
Shipping Time
All orders will be delivered to you within 3-6 business days. (Processing time: 1-2 bussiness days, Shipping time: 2-4 bussiness days) Once the product has shipped, you will receive a tracking number that you can use to track your package as it is being shipped to you.
Please keep in mind that delivery times may be longer during holidays or inclement weather conditions. We recommend keeping a close eye on the tracking number for your order.
If you have questions about your tracking information, don't hesitate to contact our customer experience team at or via live chat.
Order Changes
At this time, once an order is placed, we are unable to update the shipping address or the order itself, as our fulfillment team is working at lightning speed 24/7 to get the goods out! If you need to change your shipping address, we recommend that you contact your courier company for assistance in updating your shipping address.
Order Cancellation
Due to the nature and volume of the business, we cannot process cancellations once your order has been shipped out. If you want to cancel/return your order, you will need to send the product back in its original condition after it arrives. Once we receive the product, we will inspect and verify it to ensure there is no damage or any discrepancies, and then provide a full refund.
Shipping Delays
If you do not receive your package over 15 bussiness days of the ship date, please contact support and we will start an investigation with the shipper (Fedex). This can take up to 7 bussiness days to complete. We understand this can frustrating, once the investigation has been completed Soulout will do our best to make this right.

Please cherish it
The materials of our products are taken from nature and the products are carefully created by our team, please cherish every gift from nature. At the same time after the successful purchase of our products, shipping staff will immediately arrange the delivery for you. The goods will be delivered safely to the address you provided. Please contact our customer service staff for any special needs. They will be happy to provide you with a custom service.